Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Why iLove Christmas

I wrote this piece after I read Sipho Hlongwane's article on City Press (02/12/12) titled: "Why I hate Christmas." It inspired me to approach the paper and see if I could offer them my piece: "Why I love Christmas". No one got back to me. But the nice thing about having a blog is that you have a platform to let your writing see the light of day.

I’ve heard of people hating Valentines. They have their own reasons. But I’d never heard of anyone who hates Christmas. So when I read his article I was like: "are you serious?" because my views on Christmas are a total opposite.

My “Why I love Christmas” list would be endless, so I’m going to cut it down. First let me say to Sipho, askies that you feel that way. But I feel even more sorry for your kids (or future kids, if you don’t have them already) because kids are crazy about Christmas – that’s when “Santa Clause is coming to town”. Why rob them of that?

I was born on Christmas day, my sister was born on December 2, and my mother on December 29. So in my family, the December month has always been a big deal. To top it off, as Christians, we believe that’s when Jesus Christ was born. God’s love, kindness and mercy are seen in the birth of Christ, who eventually died for our sins.


When I was a child, I noticed with curiosity and knew that when the grass is green again, flowers in full bloom, trees dripping with ripe fruit and beautiful butterflies all over the show – Christmas, and my birthday, were near.

The first time my grandfather took me to Sunday schools I was taught a prayer that concluded with “… (Jesus) Who died for us, and who rose for us, so that we can have the best of life always.” So I was conditioned from a super young age to cherish the day that this man was born. His death (Easter) is a topic for another day.

Christmas is the only time of the year when most families come together. People travel and fly from far-away places to spend time with their loved ones. What’s there to hate about that? It is the only time when most people really sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of their year-long’s toiling and sweating. Of course money is spent, a lot. I agree with you (Sipho). Christmas is expensive. But what is not, really?

I don’t want to change the mind of anyone who hates Christmas about the way they feel about it. I only wish that they experience the beauty that it brings one day.

If people overdo it, let them mind their own business. All that they should do is to be smart spenders/consumers and never to go on holiday on credit. During the festive season, some people (like myself) rest, reflect and re-strategise, some party, some shop, some fall in love, some indulge in whatever they want, some go on spiritual retreats, some go to the sea (or overseas) – they do all sorts of things that seem pleasing to their eyes. I don’t think it is “forced happiness” as you put it. Let them be. ‘Tis the season to be jolly – It’s allowed.

Merry Christmas.

@Refilwe Thobega.